---//variable local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local tween = game:GetService("TweenService") local debris = game:GetService("Debris") local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local sine = 0 local incr = 1 local speed = 0.15 local r = math.rad local s = math.sin local c = math.cos local cf = CFrame.new local ag = CFrame.Angles local char = owner.Character local hum = char.Humanoid local root = char.HumanoidRootPart local torso = char.Torso local head = char.Head local r_arm = char["Right Arm"] local l_arm = char["Left Arm"] local r_leg= char["Right Leg"] local l_leg= char["Left Leg"] local r_shoulder = torso["Right Shoulder"] local l_shoulder = torso["Left Shoulder"] local r_hip = torso["Right Hip"] local l_hip = torso["Left Hip"] local neck = torso.Neck local rootjoint = root.RootJoint local df_rarm = cf(-0.5,0.5,0) * ag(0,r(90),0) local df_larm = cf(0.5,0.5,0) * ag(0,r(-90),0) local df_lhip = cf(-0.5,1,0) * ag(0,r(-90),0) local df_rhip = cf(0.5,1,0) * ag(0,r(90),0) local df_neck = cf(0,-0.5,0) * ag(r(90),r(-180),0) local df_torso = ag(r(90),r(-180),0) local state = "idle" local jumping = false local breathe = 70 ---//variables ---//settings root.Anchored = true hum.Animator:Destroy() hum.AutoRotate = false char:WaitForChild("Animate"):Destroy() r_shoulder.Transform = cf(0,0,0) * ag(0,0,0) l_shoulder.Transform = cf(0,0,0) * ag(0,0,0) r_hip.Transform = cf(0,0,0) * ag(0,0,0) l_hip.Transform = cf(0,0,0) * ag(0,0,0) neck.Transform = cf(0,0,0) * ag(0,0,0) rootjoint.Transform = cf(0,0,0) * ag(0,0,0) local been = Instance.new("Part",char) been.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Persimmon") been.Size = Vector3.new(4,3,4) local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",been) m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://6302890097" m.Scale = Vector3.new(0.1,0.1,0.1) local bag = Instance.new("Motor6D",been) bag.Part0 = root bag.Part1 = been bag.C1 = cf(0,1.6,0) ---//settings ---//function hum.Running:Connect(function(speed) if speed >0 then state = "running" elseif speed == 0 and hum.Jump ~= true and state ~= "idle" then state = "idle" end end) hum:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Jump"):Connect(function() if state ~= "jump" then state = "jump" spawn(function() jumping = true wait(0.3) jumping = false end) end end) function Tween(obj,info,goal) local twen = tween:Create(obj,info,goal) twen:Play() return twen end function Raycast(origin,dir,params) local cast = workspace:Raycast(origin,dir,params) return cast end ---//function ---//keybinding ---//keybinding --- loop runservice.Stepped:Connect(function() sine += incr l_shoulder.C1 = l_shoulder.C1:Lerp(df_larm * cf(0,0.5,0) * ag(r(-50),r(0),r(-170 - 1.5 * s(sine / breathe))),0.1) r_shoulder.C1 = r_shoulder.C1:Lerp(df_rarm * cf(0,0,0) * ag(r(-60),r(0),r(-30)),0.1) l_hip.C1 = l_hip.C1:Lerp(df_lhip * cf(0.6 - 0.08 * c(sine / breathe),-0.4 - 0.08 * c(sine / breathe),0) * ag(r(20),r(0),r(0 - 7 * c(sine / breathe))),0.1) r_hip.C1 = r_hip.C1:Lerp(df_rhip * cf(-0.6 + 0.08 * c(sine / breathe),-0.4 - 0.08 * c(sine / breathe),0) * ag(r(-5),r(0),r(0 + 7 * c(sine / breathe))),0.1) rootjoint.C1 = rootjoint.C1:Lerp(df_torso * cf(0,-1,0.5 - 0.06 * c(sine / breathe)) * ag(r(50 + 5 * c(sine / breathe)),r(0),r(10)),0.1) neck.C1 = neck.C1:Lerp(df_neck * cf(0,0,0) * ag(r(-40 - 3 * s(sine / breathe)),r(-7),r(-10)),0.1) end) ---//loop